Like I said in my last post that I will be doing a window...and so I am.
I wanted to give a little sneak peek of what is coming and let you know that this is what is currently on my easel (even thought I don't own one...yet ;o) ).
I know the picture isn't really great because we'll be saving that for the finished showing. I just wanted to give you a little peak and now I must close my studio door until it is finished. Watch your nose please.
It was raining all day yesterday and into the night so I must say that now that we have sun again this morning I am anxious to go out and play in my gardens. Which means painting isn't the thing on my heart at the moment. But I really want to get his window done as it is a space hogger in my already cramped studio/computer room/odds and ends storage room/everything else, well you get the picture. All spring long we've had precipitation of some sort mixed with cold days and very few warm days so I haven't gotten a chance to frolic in my gardens yet. The green little shoots are poking their noses out of all the dead vegetation so it needs to be removed soon or I'll have new plants in the way or cleaning which always makes it more difficult.
Here are some pictures of my gardens last year when they were at there peak for looking half way decent.

I love gardening and every year the gardens get bigger. These pictures were taken in mid June because after that the flowers fade out and things get a little unattractive as they age.
This is fun posting but I better get back to painting so I can go outside and play. lol Looking at these pictures makes me want to clean, clean, clean out there. Well TTFN.
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