Okay, I know I've mentioned in my auctions on eBay that there is a new window coming up and so I am giving you a tiny sneak peek into my studio to glimpse it quick. ;) I know the picture quality isn't the very best but remember this is just a sneak peek. I will be taking plenty of good pictures when this 43 1/2" tall window is done. I also have plans for another one just as soon as this one is complete...an elegant black cat window. I also have plans for a few more ACEOs and a few canvases as well so keep posted or at least keep watching my listings on eBay.
If you see any art posted here that you may be interested in (though most are sold but please ask anyway) I can have professional quality prints made for many if not most. The prints I offer are not off a standard home printer but a high quality art printer that is just beautiful and without any pixels.
As for how things are going here, it's better. Though a bit cold now which turned quite fast though it has finally stopped raining. My husband has been hired for a full time job (in September) which has been a huge blessing though the pay is a bit lower than the unemployment was but we are managing just fine. We all have our health, food on our table, and joy in our hearts so I'd say things are just fine. I hope this posting greets you all as well with the same blessings. ;) I take courage in knowing that God is in charge over EVERYTHING and for those who love Him He sends His angels to keep charge over us. So I know all will always be well with us, even when it is time to leave this earth. And boy is that peace ever precious especially during these times.
But now that it is cooling off outside I am finding more and more time to pick up the paintbrush. I enjoy painting Fall scenes. The colors are so rich and the smells so good...apples with cinnamon baking, newly fallen leaves warming in the sunlight, the earth quieting as it's once again readying for slumber.
Well, I best be getting back to painting that window. Until, my next post, ttfn!!
TY for the sneak peek, love to see your work. Glad things are on the upturn for your family. Linda x
I enjoyed looking over your blog
God bless you
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