Okay, okay. I am guilty of not writing here for a while. Sowy! I have been busy and at times would forget to stop by and drop in here. lol have been doing more painting and haven't really been keeping up with the posts though.
Nothing much has really changed around here except my husband just barely missed the cut off for lay-offs at his work so we are making some changes to the spending around here to help for what the future holds. And I feel more compelled than ever to help out with finances with my art to help us get caught up so we will be all right if something changes for us. We are, like I said a one income family with me a stay at home mom who paints to help with things around here. So I have been busy with trying to harvest the last of my garden, and painting, and processing apples from my mom's tree for extra food (and yummy too), trying to get caught up on house chores (lol yeah right), buying and selling vintage stickers (my latest craze that I've been trying to quit for now...a childhood being relived that I'm loving), and just living life one day at a time. Especially in these current and crazy days we are all having to deal with right now. But my strong faith in the Lord I know will be thing very thing that gets us through this. I KNOW we will be alright no matter what the future holds.
Anyway, I think what will be next on the easel is an ACEO storage box or two. I also have a couple canvases that will be in the future. One, an underwater scene and another, a lion fantasy. Plus, perhaps another black cat window or two and a black cat canvas as well. I might even try a fall themed folk art canvas but we will see if it gets that far with all of life's interruptions. lol
Okay, one really neat thing is new. I entered 8 ACEOs in the 2008 Year's Best ACEO Awards just about a week and a half ago. They aren't allowing voting yet as entries are still being sorted. I don't know what I will place or how I will begin to decide what great art to vote myself as there are soo many great entries. But it's all in good fun and I am honored to be a part of it. Placing something in one of the entries I listed would be a bonus too but I know there are so many great artists deserving of an award as well. I wish we all could get an award. lol So I will post the results at a later date on that as I don't know much right now myself.
But, I should end here for now as I need to get more done before bed. lol TTFN God bless us all.
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Evening Majesty

Orca's playground

Sold 4 x 6 OSWOA
Sea Of Dreams

Sold 4 x 6 Acrylic
Hi Jamie, I've tagged you, come and copy/pick up your Blog Art Award, and list 7 things you love, if you want to of course, its just for fun, you'll see in the blog post.. Lindax
Hi Jamie, I've tagged you, come and pick up(copy/paste) your Art Blog Award, and join in if you'd like to, you'll see how in the blog post. Lindax
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